[ezcol_1half]DAN ROACH
10 May – 1 June 2018

Dan Roach’s first solo exhibition with the Eagle Gallery, London presents a new body of work that continues the artist’s preoccupation with notions of repetition, reiteration and cycles.

The term ‘cloud chamber’ refers to a scientific device used to detect and visualise the presence of sub-atomic particles – making visible the invisible and evidencing interactions that occur beyond the normal boundaries of perception. When a particle passes through the cloud chamber a momentary trail is left behind, which describes the path the particle followed before gently fading away.

The paintings’ recent motifs arose from research into tiny sub-atomic particles called quarks and the diagrams representing their construction. The arrangement of circular forms connected by thin strands appears in other areas of physics – related to unimaginably huge structures such as galactic jets, which emanate from black holes at the centres of many galaxies.

Roach’s delicate, translucent filaments of oil upon oil result in aggregated cloud-structures, whose formations orbit around numerous points. His process brings forth images that are ambiguous in scale and allude to the temporal nature of painting itself. The canvases and gessoed panels are slowly built and carry the traces of past events and decisions within their surfaces.

Roach was selected for the inaugural Abstract Critical Newcomer Awards in 2012 and the Marmite Painting Prize in 2013. From 2011 to 2013 he was the Artist in Residence at Worcester Cathedral. He has exhibited in numerous mixed exhibitions at the Eagle Gallery, most recently in So we beat on (2016) and Counterpoints (2017).

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DAN ROACH QAr:2018 Bayer III, 2018, oil & wax on panel, 60 x 50 cm

DAN ROACH QAr:2018 Bayer III, 2018, oil & wax on panel, 60 x 50 cm

DAN ROACH MAr:2018 Upprett 2018, oil on linen on panel, 30 x 24 cm

DAN ROACH MAr:2018 Upprett 2018, oil on linen on panel, 30 x 24 cm

DAN ROACH QAr:2017 Uncertainty Principle, 2017, oil & wax on canvas, 70.5 x 60.5 cm

DAN ROACH QAr:2017 Uncertainty Principle, 2017, oil & wax on canvas, 70.5 x 60.5 cm
